Monday, January 24, 2011

Mythical Creature

Hippocampus - "The Hippocampus or Hippocamp is a sea creature from classical mythology, which had the front parts of a horse and the back parts of a fish or dragon.  The sea god Poseidon's chariot was drawn by Hippocampi." - excerpt from The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures by John & Caitlin Matthews, copyright 2005.

Magical creature, indeed!  I am a big mythology and fantasy fiction fan.  Which means, from time to time, I'll drop in a little snippet from the world fantastic in an attempt to convert more to the cause.  I've gained many hours of enjoyment over the years from fantasy fiction (both in written and movie form) and feel duty-bound to share the joy with others!

On a pratical note - reading the above description and then thinking about how the sheer mechanics of how that would work boggles the mind - doesn't it?


Sunday, January 23, 2011


"Nature is never finished." - Robert Smithson (American Artist - 1938 - 1973)

Why is it we are constantly pursuing improvement in our lives?  Isn't there at some point when we'll stop and say, "There, that's it.  Perfection.  Now I can enjoy."?  Don't get me wrong, I can waste time with the best of them (re: today's nap on the couch).  Snuggle under a blanket, grab the remote and flip a few channels, etc.  But, a lot of the time I'm thinking "What can I do next?"  "What can I accomplish today?"  "How can I make the house better?"  Then, I ran across this quote, which made me consider that perhaps our drive to be in constant motion, or to consistently pursue continuous improvement, is built into our natural order of things.  We're hardwired that way, so that we can exist within our natural environment.  Now, if I could just channel that desire for improvement into a little exercise on a regular basis - THAT would be a great way to improve things in 2011 for me!

Whatever you pursue so that you are "never finished", may it be awe-inspiring and fulfilling in your world!


Saturday, January 22, 2011


"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life.  That word is love." ~ Sophocles (496-406 BC) ~ Greek Playwright

You know, if you stop and think about it, why do we, as humans, interpret life as hard or painful?  Yes, sometimes we experience difficult things in our life - but hopefully, those are mere stepping stones across the river that is life's journey.  I have begun to realize just how quickly life moves and at this brief moment in all that rapid movement, I am at a point where I wish to focus on the love in my life and spend a little less time devoting energy to things which frustrate, annoy or upset me.

I am blessed.  I am grateful for all of the blessings my life contains and I truly LOVE all of them.  My husband, who is my foundation (strong, steady and supportive).  My daughter, who gives me wings (smart, beautiful sunshine).  My extended family (bringing joyful experiences).  My home (my refuge).  My friends (counsel, laughter and smiles).  My health (giving me strength for all things).  And yes, even my work, (providing finances which allows for lifestyle).

And, there are probably thousands of things I left out.  Not a bad place to be, eh?

Live for the love in your life.  Focus on the beautiful moments.  Realize the struggles are temporary.  Love is forever.